The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken new steps to protect Medicare from paying for medical treatment that should be covered by another payer, such as workers’ compensation. Starting next April, workers’ compensation payers, in their capacity as Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs), must include Worker’s Compensation Medicare Set-Asides (WCMSAs) arrangements in their Section 111 report to CMS.

RREs who have a Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant (TPOC) on April 4, 2025, or later must report WCMSAs through the Section 111 system concurrently with settlement amounts. Payers must provide the MSA amounts — even if zero dollars are allocated for future medical costs.

Section 111 changes for WCMSA Reporting

CMS will add seven reporting fields to gather data on these WCMSAs. The new fields require the MSA amount and how it is being paid out, i.e., in a lump sum or through a structured settlement or annuity. If structured, RREs must provide the initial deposit amount and the anniversary deposit amounts for the MSA. CMS also needs to know the amount of time (months/years) the MSA is expected to cover.

Other new fields include the Case Control Number CMS assigns to the MSAs it approves and the tax identification number for the professional administrator, if one is used.

This new reporting requirement applies to non-submit MSAs as well as CMS-approved MSAs. Currently, if an MSA is not submitted for approval, the agency may be unaware funds have been set aside to pay for future medical costs related to the illness or injury or the amount of those funds. Even with a CMS-approved MSA, CMS cannot coordinate benefits based on the MSA amount until it is told that a settlement has occurred.

The problem with errors

With new fields come new error codes and CMS has laid out the hard or soft classification of these codes. The Section 111 record will be rejected if there is a hard error. If that error is not corrected within one year of the TPOC date, the record will be considered untimely and may be subject to a Civil Money Penalty.

The longer it takes to correct the record, the higher the penalty. These range from $357/per day to $1,428 per day based on how late they are. (These are inflation-adjusted with 2024 rates.)

Things RREs, insurers and other payers need to know

The addition of WCMSA fields for Section 111 reporting presents a technical and training challenge for RREs. Most payer and third-party administrator claims systems do not capture the type of data CMS will require. If claims adjusters currently enter data into Section 111 reporting fields on their claims systems, new fields will need to be added, and adjusters will learn new procedures for entering information into these fields.

Tower is updating our Section 111 reporting sections of our MSP Automation Suite and we are working with our Section 111 reporting clients as they make this transition.

Tower also offers a Section 111 reporting audit service that detects issues in the RRE’s reporting processes that could lead to due to untimely reporting and potential CMPs. Tower’s compliance experts examine a set of claim input and response and query response files and review the organization’s reporting policies and procedures. The audit detects the types of errors, inconsistencies and omissions that hinder compliance and could trigger a reporting penalty.

For information on Tower’s Section 111 reporting service and/or its audit, please contact Hany Abdelsayed, our EVP of Strategic Services at or 888.331.4941.

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Author’s Bio


Daniel M. Anders, Esq., MSCC, CMSP
Chief Compliance Officer
Tower MSA Partners


Daniel M. Anders, Esq., MSCC, CMSP is an attorney with more than 20 years’ experience helping employers, insurers and other payers navigate the complexities of MSP compliance and settle workers’ compensation claims using Medicare Set-Asides.

As Tower’s Chief Compliance Officer, he oversees all aspects of regulatory compliance associated with the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) statutes and local, state, and federal laws. He also consults with Tower’s clients on MSA cost containment and preparation and other MSP compliance issues. Additionally, he ensures the integrity and quality of Tower’s services and products, including its settlement-focused MSA program.

A respected subject matter expert and thought leader, Dan regularly contributes articles to industry publications and to Tower’s MSP Compliance Blog. He has given numerous presentations at conferences, including the National Workers’ Comp, WCI, and the Medicare Secondary Payer Network (MSPN) annual conferences.

Dan earned his Juris Doctor degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law and his bachelor’s degree from Loyola University Chicago. He holds the Medicare Set-Aside Certified Consultant (MSCC) and Certified Medicare Secondary Payer (CMSP) credentials.

Before joining Tower in 2016, Dan served as Senior Vice President of MSP Compliance for ExamWorks Clinical Solutions. He previously gained extensive litigation experience working for the Chicago law firm of Wiedner & McAuliffe.

Dan is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association and MSPN, serving as its president in 2021. He lives in Southeast Wisconsin and can be reached at

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Medical costs in many states exceed 60% of total workers’ compensation, and this share continues to grow. Medical treatment continues to evolve as new technologies, claim complexity, and comorbidities become more impactful. Timely and meaningful first point of contact medical treatment is imperative to establish successful outcomes. Surgeries in outpatient settings continue to increase with new techniques being applied to reduce the traumatic effects on injured workers and get them to return to work sooner.

Join our expert speakers as they explore these subjects and more in this year’s Medical Issues Breakout, Live Surgery, and Orthopaedic Breakout.

Medical Issues Breakout

Tuesday, August 20

  • Emerging Trends in Medical Treatment
  • Oh the Nerve – Improving the New Normal for Amputees
  • Medical Factors Impacting Major Contributing Cause: What are Chronic, Preexisting Age-Related Conditions to be Aware of?

Wednesday, August 21

  • Injury Prevention and Treatment: Make Your Workplace the Happiest Place on Earth
  • Trauma and Burns: Critical Workplace Injuries
  • The New “PPO” – Physical Pharmacy Outcomes: Don’t Give Up on Current and Emerging Legacy Pain Management Cases

Live Surgery

Tuesday, August 20

Everyone loves a Mystery, and this year surgeons from Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute will unveil the type of surgery in real time.

“As the creator and producer of this groundbreaking event, it’s more than just a live surgery; it’s an unparalleled opportunity to showcase cutting-edge techniques and latest technology that are redefining excellence in orthopedic surgery. I couldn’t be more thrilled than to have the globally renowned orthopedic leaders from Jewett Orthopedic Institute performing a never seen before “ Mystery” surgery Live from the OR! You don’t want to miss this truly educational experience as we push the boundaries of what’s possible!”

Karen Ursulich
Workers’ Compensation Relations Manager
Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute

Orthopaedic Breakout

Monday, August 19

  • 13th Annual Florida Orthopaedic Society Injured Workers Inspiration (IWI) Awards & Case Presentations
  • Meniscus Injuries: Is This Acute or Chronic?
  • Patient Reported Outcomes Measures in Assessing the Injured Worker
  • Evidence Based Medicine & Determining Major Contributing Cause (MCC)
  • Shoulder Injuries: When to Get an MRI
  • The Carpal Tunnel Express: Reimagining Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment – Dr. Paul Paterson will perform a live, in-person wide awake ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release done under a local anesthetic.


WCI 2024 Program

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Safe At Home After Work Injury

Provider shortages in home health are concerning, but partnering with the right provider can make a difference

When injured employees are struggling with a difficult transition home, they need compassionate health care professionals who are highly skilled and trained in caring for those who may have experienced a severe or life-altering work injury.

Unfortunately, finding qualified individuals to provide that care is becoming a bigger challenge. An important issue impacting all areas of health care is the provider shortage. Having skilled providers available is particularly important in home health, which has become a bigger player in the recovery process for injured individuals.

A survey by the Pennsylvania Homecare Association found that 93% of Medicare-certified home health and hospice agencies and 98% of licensed agencies said they had refused referrals during the past year. One area where the shortage is having its biggest impact is nursing. When shortages exist, nurses need to be enticed to take shifts, and when they can’t, vendors are forced to go outside their network to look for replacements.

In addition, staffers who schedule shifts have to make dozens of calls to vendors only to be told over and over there are no available nurses for a request. This adds up to valuable time lost that could have been spent handling other patients. To combat delays, financial incentives are becoming part of the solution to draw a balance between higher prices, staff, patient, and employer impacts. When the average cost of a 3-day hospital stay is around $30,000 offering an extra dollar an hour for home health services post-surgery may be cheaper overall and lead to a better outcome for the injured employee.

And an influx of new graduates won’t solve the issue for home health, initially. To gain experience, many new nursing grads first seek out opportunities in acute care settings, where they can develop skills to later work in specialty areas of their choice. Therefore, it takes a few years for this youth movement to occur in home health.

So, what can payers and adjusters do to ensure that their injured employees receive home health services that will keep them on track for a successful return to work? Here are some factors to look for when pairing with the right specialty provider.

Education and Training

Over the last decade or so, Americans have been experiencing shorter stays in acute care facilities as technology and advanced skills has facilitated better treatment at home. This requires today’s home health care professional to have higher level training to treat injured individuals in the early stages of their recovery. For instance, 10 years ago, patients needing advanced wound care would require a longer acute care stay. Today, given the appropriate wound care provider and equipment in place, those services can be delivered at home. The same is true with more advanced respiratory services.

For this reason, make sure to partner with a program that hires experienced providers and trains them to confidently deliver these services.

Creative Solutions

Effective cost containment in the face of provider shortages requires innovative solutions that include evaluating the actual needs of injured employees to ensure they receive the proper level of care. For example, companies may receive a request for a registered nurse (RN) for 24 hours a day for three weeks after a surgery, when an experienced specialty program might determine that 12 hours with a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and 12 hours with an RN could open the pool of available nurse resources with similar outcomes.

Good specialty programs assist in matching the injured individual’s medical needs to the appropriate skill level required. If necessary, home care coordinators will speak to the treating physician or case manager to get clarification on patient needs. They will assess and facilitate total home care, as well as specialty service requirements, in a comprehensive plan. If possible, they will also speak to the injured employee and family members to assess social, lifestyle, and environmental factors that can affect the match. These agencies also have a track record of dependability and consistency, and appropriate policies in place.

Over time, care coordinators may consult with the treating physician and case manager to see whether the caregiver skill level can be reduced — perhaps from a nurse to a home health aide which can help save significant costs, especially over the life of a claim requiring 24/7 care.

Collaborations and Connections

One of the most important factors in partnering with a home health service is how well it partners with its network vendors. This includes listening to payers’ needs so they recruit the right staff members and retain the ones who provide the services they need.

Look for companies who have made significant investments on behalf of their clients, ensuring they’re attracting the best talent and retaining it. Established specialty services are better prepared to fill a payer’s needs due to the volume of business and favorable terms it can provide agency partners. These networks can obtain prioritized handling of cases, allowing adjusters to avoid the scenario where they receive a frantic call from a family member, saying a nurse or home health aide has not shown up. Instead, gaps and disruptions in home care can be avoided.

Also, consider home health programs bundled with case management service to facilitate better transition of care. Case managers have a greater understanding of the individual’s physical and psychosocial needs and can help the home health professional seamlessly execute the care plan, while avoiding an additional provider service for the payer.

While the provider shortage will continue to be a challenge for workers’ comp leaders, partnering with companies that have solutions in place will help ensure your injured employees are always safe at home.

Nicole Usher is Senior Director of Operations at Apricus, an Enlyte company. With nearly 20 years of experience in the workers’ comp industry, Usher has held multiple leadership positions including roles in finance, quality, and operations. With a longstanding knowledge of quality service delivery, she instills these values within her team, partners, and clients. As an operational leader, Usher promotes innovative ways to provide superior client experiences that adhere to the complex nature of the industry, state regulations, and the needs of claims professionals.

First Responder Presumption laws have taken hold throughout the nation. Finding the right balance between the public policy virtues of these laws and the financial impact placed on public sector entities employing First Responders should be the goal of policy makers and the workers’ compensation community. Our Focus on First Responders Breakout will delve into the everyday, working realties of First Responders and explore the current and future legal and policy climate of presumption legislation and case law. The sessions in this year’s breakout are:

Tuesday, August 20

Walking in Their Shoes: Compassionate Care for Police Officers and Firefighters – This session explores what it takes to work as a police officer or firefighter. Join the panel they explore the grueling demands of working the streets to the existing nuances of police and fire culture.

Litigation of Presumptive Claims Involving First Responders: Are We Missing The Forest For The Trees? – This panel will discuss the current litigation/claims environment surrounding First Responder presumption claims, and explore secondary costs associated with the denial of presumption claims for public sector employers like police and fire departments. The focus will be on trying to get the proper balance between honoring the public policy imperatives behind presumptive laws, and denial of claims in appropriate cases.

What is a Condition or Impairment of Health Caused by Heart Disease or Hypertension? – Section 112.18 F.S. provides a rebuttable presumption of workers compensation compensability when firefighters, law enforcement officers, correctional officers or correctional probation officers suffer “any condition or impairment of health…caused by tuberculosis, heart disease or hypertension resulting in total or partial disability or death”. Those who practice, work or handle section 112.18 claims, prior to North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District v. Harlem, and other recent First DCA decisions thought they knew what was covered by the law. The focus will be on what has changed since the Harlem Decision.


WCI 2024 Program

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Presented by the Workers’ Compensation Defense Institute (WCDI), the Breakout on Multi-State Workers’ Compensation Laws brings together subject matter experts from AL, CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, NY, NC, OK, SC, TN, and TX to discuss the unique claims handling, mediation, and settlement practices in their respective state jurisdictions. The breakout allows participants to hear panelists’ perspectives in a group setting and have meaningful dialogue with panelists in one-on-one conversations. Whether you are responsible for claims in one of these jurisdictions or in multiple jurisdictions, you will find this breakout entertaining and informative.

On Wednesday, August 21 from 8:00 am – 1:20 pm experience WCDI GOES TO SPACE … IF YOU HANDLE A CLAIM IN SPACE CAN ANYONE HEAR YOU?


WCI 2024 Program

The WCI 2024 Conference online program is live! Explore detailed session descriptions, meet our speakers, and learn more about current exhibitors and sponsors.

To purchase specially priced Walt Disney World® Meeting/Convention Theme Park tickets, CLICK HERE or call 407-566-5600 and provide group code G0847640.

Tickets are valid 7 days before, during, and 7 days after the meeting dates. To enter a park, both a park reservation and valid ticket on the same day are required. To make park reservations, you will need to sign-in to an existing Disney® Account or create a new one and link each ticket. Park reservations are subject to availability – please check the Park Availability Calendar. For details on making a park reservation, please visit Disney Park Pass Experience Updates.

Whether it’s your first visit or your 100th, we recommend reviewing the Walt Disney World® Resort Experience Updates.

Adjuster education continues to be a focal point of the conference. This year we added three adjuster sessions on Monday afternoon to go along with all-day Tuesday sessions. Our claims adjusting experts will share their thoughts on a wide range of issues sure to increase your knowledge and sharpen your skills.

Monday, August 19

Empathy Towards the Injured Worker – This session aims to help participants understand the importance of empathy towards injured workers, and ways to effectively communicate and support them.

Building Strong Partnerships: The Key to Successful Claims Management – This panel will explore the many relationships and partnerships that lead to effective claim resolution and how you can achieve a more collaborative approach.

The Practical Impact of AI on Future Claims Handling – This session will practically define the uses of today’s AI in day-to-day claim handling and how it assists adjusters and does not replace adjusters.

Tuesday, August 20

Obstacles to Settlement – This session will discuss how to ethically navigate various challenging issues to successfully resolve claims and reduce defense litigation costs in the process.

Before, During and After the Petition for Benefits – The panel will discuss the three-day, five-day and ten-day statutory provisions, along with strategies for responses to petitions for benefits and avoiding adjuster depositions and attorneys’ fees.

The 120-Day Provision: Challenges and Consequences – This topic delves into the challenges and consequences surrounding the 120-day Reservation of Rights. Our focal points include comprehending the 120-day decision, navigating it within the stipulated timeframe, and addressing emerging medical conditions during the course of a workers’ compensation claim.

How to Handle Uncivil Behavior? – A panel of industry leaders will share their strategies for navigating the potential conflicts (i.e. “uncivil behavior”) associated with the claims process.

WCI 2024 Program

The WCI 2024 Conference online program is live! Explore detailed session descriptions, meet our speakers, and learn more about current exhibitors and sponsors.

Managing risk is a dynamic process that uncovers and mitigates uncertainties and threats with Risk Managers navigating an ever-changing and complex insurance world. This year’s sessions bring together risk management executives who will share their insights into best practices and key issues facing the industry and their own organizations. The following sessions are part of this year’s Risk Managers Breakout:

Monday, August 19

The Power of Partnership: How Exceptional Service Drives Superior Risk Management Outcomes – Learn how building strong, long-lasting partnerships with dedicated claims and risk management experts can help Risk Managers improve the claims experience, streamline operational efficiency, and make a meaningful impact on TCOR.

Workplace Violence and Workers’ Compensation – The session on Workplace Violence and Workers’ Compensation aims to educate attendees about the risks and consequences of workplace violence and how it relates to workers’ compensation mental claims.

Tuesday, August 20

Breaking Down Silos – Learn how safety, claims, HR and risk functions are sometimes presented with challenges within organizations to drive best-in-class processes and connectivity.

Hot Topics for Risk Managers – Leading Risk Managers will discuss their top challenges, and the steps they take to transform those challenges into opportunities.

Workers’ Compensation Severity: Are Injury Claims More Severe Today Than in the Past? – This panel will explore the impact such issues as comorbidities, mental health, generational variances, and employee attitudes can have on workers’ compensation severity matters.

Perspectives in Risk Management – The Eras – Panelists will take you on a world tour as they share their perspectives about the past, present and future of risk.

WCI 2024 Program

The WCI 2024 Conference online program is live! Explore detailed session descriptions, meet our speakers, and learn more about current exhibitors and sponsors.


Prayer Breakfast with Pastor Ron Simmons and
the Designers Way Praise Team

Monday, 8/19/24  |  7:00 – 8:30 am  |  Crystal Ballroom H

This year’s prayer breakfast is hosted by DATA, Diversity and Talent Alliance and WCI. The breakfasts’ focus is on the connection between claims handling and organizational concerns/initiatives and faith-based practices on an everyday basis. In addition, emphasis is placed on DEIB initiatives while combining and incorporating faith-based practices throughout the workers’ compensation industry. The prayer breakfast will address the integration of faith in organizations involved with workers compensation. In addition, we will hear from our keynote speaker Michael Hessling, CEO of Gallager Bassett, North America. Pastor Ron Simmons will share how the transformative power of faith can inspire uplift and foster resilience in the workplace.

DATA is a nonprofit focusing on the development of a pipeline that attracts a diverse talent pool of individuals to the workers compensation industry through partnership, education, and mentorship.

Separate registration is required and tickets can be purchased for $67. If you are interested in sponsoring the Prayer Breakfast please click here.

Every year WCI strives to improve the conference experience for our attendees through enhancing educational content, attracting memorable keynote speakers and entertainment, and re-imagining networking and business development opportunities.

WCI is thrilled to announce its first-ever Super Tuesday Soiree!

Andrew Sabolic, WCI’s Executive Director, shared “As part of the conference’s Supercharge The Future theme, we decided to have a Super Tuesday Soiree, featuring football legend and Super Bowl Winner and Hall of Famer, Jerome Bettis. Victor Green, a member of the New York Jets All-Time Four Decade Team will also be a special guest. This intimate affair is something new we are bringing to the conference for a limited number of attendees.”

This exclusive networking event will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm. This event has limited capacity and is by invitation only.

Super Tuesday Soiree Invitations

To express your interest and potentially secure a spot at this unforgettable event, please complete the following information. Please note, filling out this form does not guarantee attendance due to capacity constraints. Invited guests will receive email confirmation.

Every year WCI looks to bring in a speaker who will resonate with our attendees in a meaningful, entertaining, and engaging way. Our keynote address is always one of the highlights of the conference, and since our focus is on professional education, we strive to provide attendees with an opportunity to learn something they can apply in their professional or personal lives, or both. Keeping with this tradition, WCI is excited to announce this year’s Keynote Speaker is bestselling author and “America’s Historian,” Brad Meltzer!

History. Legacy. Character. Great leadership. Brad Meltzer draws upon the themes of his best-selling books and popular television shows, challenging audiences to look at their lives, work and mission through the lens of legacy. Brad’s highly inspiring keynotes showcase the motivational stories of both everyday heroes and history-making leaders. His moving message: Every life makes history. Ordinary people can change the world. If you can impact just one person, you won’t just live a good life. You will live forever.

Named as both “America’s Historian” and one of “Hollywood’s 25 Most Powerful Authors,” Brad is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Lightning Rod and twelve other bestselling thrillers. He also writes non-fiction books like The First Conspiracy and The Lincoln Conspiracy, and the Ordinary People Change the World kids book series, which inspired the Emmy-nominated TV show on PBS KIDS, Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum.

In addition to fiction, Brad is one of the only authors to ever have books on the bestseller list in non-fiction children’s books and even comic books, for which he won the prestigious Eisner Award. He is also the host of Brad Meltzer’s Lost History and Brad Meltzer’s Decoded on the History Channel, which he used to find the missing 9/11 flag that the firefighters raised at Ground Zero. He later unveiled it for display at the 9/11 Museum in New York. Brad was selected to join America250 to help commemorate America’s 250th anniversary in 2026 and will be serving on the Arts & Culture Advisory Council along with Debbie Allen, Cal Ripken and other leaders and luminaries.

An inspirational voice, Brad has earned a reputation for working closely with clients, speaking authentically from the heart, and receiving both high praise and standing ovations from Fortune 500 companies. Infusing humor and insights into engaging, highly moving narratives, his thought-provoking talks truly connect with audiences. Brad inspires us to examine our lives, shape our legacies and discover the potential within all of us to change the world. As he says, “Stories aren’t the beauty of what did happen. They’re the beauty of what could happen.”

The Exhibit Hall is always a main attraction at the conference. It attracts thousands of attendees who can learn more about the latest services and products in the workers’ compensation industry.

This year, WCI is elevating the Exhibitor and Attendee Exhibit Hall Experience through our Mystery Exhibitor contest. WCI will randomly select four exhibitors who will be the “Mystery Exhibitors”. Two will be selected on Monday afternoon, and two on Tuesday afternoon, and will be secretly notified at their booths.

Contest winners will be randomly chosen from the leads collected by each Mystery Exhibitor utilizing the conference app – Whova. WCI will announce the winner via the conference app – Whova, by email, or by phone near the end of the Exhibit Hall hours on Monday and Tuesday, so make sure to keep your cellular devices close by.

Each winner will receive a cash prize in the amount of $750. Attendees will only be allowed to win once. WCI believes this contest will be a win-win for exhibitors and attendees, plus it adds more excitement to our Exhibit Hall!

Lyndsey Palmer, WCI’s Exhibitor and Sponsorship Coordinator added, “We truly appreciate the support and enthusiasm our Exhibit Hall Advisory Council has shown us to pursue this contest. We want to make our Exhibit Hall an exceptional experience for everyone, and this is just another step in making that a reality.”

For more details about the WCI 2024 Exhibit Hall, click here.

As the nature of business and the workplace continue to evolve, NU Property & Casualty remains committed to elevating stories about ingenuity, collaboration and humanity in the workers’ compensation insurance and risk management sectors.

And so, in anticipation of 78th Annual Workers’ Compensation Institute Educational Conference and 35th Safety & Health Conference happening Aug. 18-21, 2024 at the Orlando World Center Marriott, NU Property & Casualty—along with our project partners Sedgwick, Safety National and the Workers’ Compensation Institute (WCI)—are thrilled to mount the 2024 Workers’ Comp Risk Management Award for Excellence. This annual recognition program honors outstanding loss control, safety and return-to-work programs.

“Designing an effective workers’ compensation risk management program demands ingenuity, adaptability and a profound sense of empathy – qualities abundantly present in past award recipients,” said Elana Ashanti Jefferson, editor-in-chief of “Each year, my team and I eagerly anticipate discovering the groundbreaking workers’ comp programs across the nation and celebrating the exceptional ones through these prestigious awards.”

2024 Award Winners Will Receive:

  • An exclusive feature profile on
  • Complimentary registration for the WCI 2024 Conference.
  • One night of accommodations during the WCI 2024 Conference.
  • Participation in a platform trophy presentation as well as other recognition during the WCI 2024 Conference.
  • A private, hosted dinner during the the WCI 2024 Conference.

The application deadline is April 15, 2024, and there is no entry fee. For more details and to submit a nomination, click the button below.

Details and Nominations

WCI® is thrilled to announce Daughtry as our WCI 2024 Conference featured entertainment! “We are super excited for our attendees to have the opportunity to hear Daughtry live. It promises to be an exhilarating experience filled with high-level energy and emotion. It will be a great event to cap off the first day of the conference.”, stated WCI’s Executive Director, Andrew Sabolic.

Daughtry, one of the most visible and best-selling rock bands of the 21st century, has sold out  concerts across the globe. Their debut album, the self-titled Daughtry, was the top-selling album of 2007 and was the fastest selling rock debut album in Soundscan history. It was also nominated for 4 GRAMMY® Awards and won 4 American Music Awards and 7 Billboard Music Awards, including Album of the Year.

Subsequent albums, Leave This Town (2009), Break The Spell (2011), and Baptized (2013) have all gone Platinum, with Cage To Rattle (2018) certified Gold. In 2021, Daughtry released their album Dearly Beloved, which marked a return to their rock roots and a return to the top of the rock charts with their singles “World On Fire,” “Heavy Is The Crown,” and “Changes Are Coming,” each reaching the Top 10 on Billboard’s Rock Airplay chart. With the success of their 2023 smash cover, “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” featuring Halestorm’s Lzzy Hale going top 10, and the follow up of “Artificial” landing Daughtry its very first #1 at rock radio, they have no sign of slowing.

WCI this year has teamed up with Swag for Schools, which is a neat program that will take the remaining goodies vendors have left after the Conference is over and distribute them to local participating schools. Exhibitors are encouraged to participate. There will be two boxes inside the Exhibit Hall by the front entrance where you can simply drop the items into either box as you leave. It is so simple to do and can bless a child in need. Thank you for participating!

Over the past decade, WCI has announced dynamic themes for our educational and health and safety conferences. The purpose of the themes are to tie together the various activities and experiences of the conferences, which result in one of the most well-attended, unique, informative, and exciting conferences in the nation. The conference’s educational offerings, keynote addresses, entertainment, exhibitors, charitable giving opportunities all influence the selection of the conference theme.

Supercharge The Future” is the theme for the 78th Annual Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference and 34th Annual Safety and Health Conference.

Andrew Sabolic, WCI’s Executive Director, shared “This theme reflects the industry’s focus of powering innovation to inspire our employees, elevate organizations, and improve workers’ compensation systems. Everyone has a superpower within them. It is incumbent to find and harness those powers to affect positive and sustainable change and achieve excellence.”

Exhibit Hall Theme Contest

“Our exhibitors can tap into their companies’ superpowers to showcase their services and products. The theme offers our exhibitors a wide-range of creative possibilities,” added Lyndsey Palmer, WCI’s Sponsor and Exhibitor Administrator. “I know our Exhibit Hall will be a must-visit for conference attendees.”

Keynote Speaker & Entertainment

As one can expect, WCI’s Keynote Speaker and Headline Entertainment tie into the “Supercharge The Future” theme too. You won’t want to miss what we have planned! Keynote and Entertainment Headliner announcements are coming soon.

Discover a world of sponsorship opportunities tailored to your preferences at WCI®! Our diverse range of sponsorships and booth sizes ensures a perfect fit for your needs. Dive into the details of each offering by exploring our comprehensive Prospectus for Exhibitors & Sponsors. Act swiftly as several options have already been claimed, some exclusively!

Explore the Exhibit Hall possibilities in our Prospectus, featuring in-depth descriptions and pricing for each booth, and descriptions of our variety of unique sponsorships. Many exclusive opportunities have been seized, so secure your spot before it’s too late! Our premier sponsorship packages like our Prime, Platinum and Elite not only provide booth discounts, but also extend special pricing for additional sponsorships. Enjoy perks like selecting a VIP Sponsor booth location on the floorplan, exclusive invitations to our VIP Reception, a prominent full-page Ad in our Program Booklet, and widespread exposure with your company logo featured on our WCI Spotlight, website, social media accounts, and the conference app- Whova.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of one of the largest conferences in the US! With an impressive annual attendance of 5,000-6,000, becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor at WCI guarantees an unparalleled experience. Join us today and elevate your presence on a grand scale! Contact Lyndsey Palmer at if you have any questions regarding a booth or particular sponsorship.

WCI 2024 Prospectus for Sponsors & Exhibitors


Download WCI 2024 Prospectus

WCI 2024 Exhibitor Sponsor Prospectus


Thank you to all of our current WCI 2024 Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors!


View Current WCI 2024 Sponsors

View Current WCI 2024 Exhibitors


If you are interested in learning more, we have an array of Sponsorship Opportunities and Exhibit Hall Booth packages available for the WCI 2024 Conference!

As the world of work continuously evolves, the insurance industry stands at the forefront of this transformation. Workers’ compensation claims adjusting offers a stable and rewarding career path, but thriving in this tech-driven future requires a solid foundation. At this year’s WCI – Workers Compensation Institute conference, themed “Supercharge the Future,” we’ll explore the credentials you’ll need and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the claims adjuster role. Plus, meet iCan the robot, who brings a touch of humor to our AI discussions!

Using Licensing and Certificates to Stand Out

Building a successful career as a workers’ compensation claims adjuster involves acquiring the right education, licenses, and certifications. Here are the essentials:

  • Licenses: Each state has specific licensing requirements. Research your state’s Department of Insurance website for details on obtaining a workers’ compensation adjuster license.
  • Continuing Education: Keep licenses currently by securing your credits timely. Many organizations, like MTI America, offer Continuing Education credits at no charge.
  • Industry Certifications: Earning certifications from organizations like the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), the Institutes, and RIMS demonstrates expertise and enhances your credibility.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Online courses and certifications offered on LinkedIn Learning can further bolster your credentials. Courses in areas such as AI, risk management, claims processing, and customer service can provide valuable knowledge and are often recognized by industry professionals.

In addition to technical knowledge, developing these soft skills is crucial:

  • Communication: Adjusters interact with injured workers, employers, medical providers, and legal representatives. Clear, concise, and empathetic communication is key. Consider using generative AI to help you (if allowed at your organization).
  • Investigation: Uncovering the facts behind a claim requires meticulous investigation skills.
  • Problem-Solving: Finding solutions that are fair to both the worker and the insurer is a core adjuster competency.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing complex medical information and legal aspects of a case demands strong critical thinking.

The Rise of AI: The Adjuster of Tomorrow

AI is poised to transform the claims adjusting landscape, offering exciting opportunities to supercharge your future. Here’s how AI might affect your career:

  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks: AI can handle data entry, claims triage, and scheduling, freeing up adjusters to focus on complex cases.
  • Enhanced Fraud Detection: AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify potentially fraudulent claims.
  • Improved Risk Assessment: AI can help predict the potential cost and duration of a claim, allowing for better case management strategies.

At MTI, we’re seeing AI transform timeliness of medical reporting, use of AI-powered telerehabilitation, a reduction in no-shows thanks to enhanced communications streams and AI-powered scheduling and routing, and more.

The Human Touch Endures

Despite AI’s growing role, the human element in claims adjusting remains irreplaceable. Here’s why your skills will continue to be in demand:

  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: AI cannot replicate the human ability to build rapport, negotiate settlements, and navigate conflict effectively.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Injured workers often experience emotional distress. Adjusters with empathy can provide crucial support during a challenging time.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Complex ethical considerations arise in claims adjusting. Human judgment is essential for ensuring fair and responsible outcomes.

How Companies Are Using AI Today

Leading companies are already harnessing AI to enhance their claims adjusting processes. By automating repetitive tasks, improving fraud detection, and enhancing risk assessment, AI allows adjusters to focus on higher-value activities, ultimately delivering better outcomes for all stakeholders.

The Future is a Collaboration

The future of workers’ compensation claims adjusting will be one of human-AI collaboration. By building a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and ethics, and by understanding how to leverage AI effectively, you’ll be well-positioned to thrive.

Join us at the WCI – Workers Compensation Institute conference to see how you can supercharge your future in the workers’ compensation industry. And don’t miss meeting iCan the robot, who, with his incredible sense of humor, will put a smile on your face while we navigate the exciting changes AI brings!

WCI is pleased to announce Max Koonce has joined WCI’s Board of Advisors. The Board of Advisors consists of workers’ compensation industry leaders who provide valuable guidance and strategic thought to WCI on the educational conference and its ancillary activities.

“Sedgwick continues to play an instrumental and active role in our conference. Max is a leader and innovator in the workers’ compensation industry. For as long as I have known him, Max has been an advocate in seeking solutions to improve states’ workers’ compensation systems. He has strong ties to our conference, regularly moderating and speaking at numerous educational sessions. WCI will truly benefit from his knowledge, experience, and passion for education and learning, and it is honor for us to have him serve on the Board of Advisors.” stated Andrew Sabolic, Executive Director of WCI.

Koonce added, “I always enjoy participating in WCI’s workers’ compensation and safety and health conference. Attending educational sessions, meeting with state regulators from around the country, and interacting with stakeholders and clients all make this conference of such importance to our industry. I look forward to my involvement with the Board and its goal in growing the conference.”

Max Koonce Bio

Mr. Koonce is the Chief Claims Officer, for Sedgwick. In this role, Koonce is responsible for product development and innovation, industry analysis and thought leadership, best practices and compliance standards, legislative and regulatory relationships, and continued involvement in client programs for Sedgwick’s lines of business. Prior to his current role, Koonce was the Managing Director responsible for Sedgwick’s casualty retail business unit in which he oversaw program results and service execution across the company’s retail customer base. This included use of innovation and technology to improve client outcomes and customer experience. Prior to joining Sedgwick, Koonce was senior director of risk management for Walmart Stores, Inc., the nation’s largest private sector employer. In this role, he managed the retailer’s domestic property and casualty claims program. He simultaneously served as president of Claims Management, Inc., Walmart’s wholly owned third party administrator. An attorney by trade, Koonce was previously an administrative law judge for the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission and an appellate court justice for the Arkansas Court of Appeals. Koonce has served on various state self-insured association boards, as well as the National Council of Self Insurers (NCSI), and National Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation (UWC). He continues to serve as a member of several local non-profit boards and industry risk management advisory boards. Koonce earned his BBA degree in economics from Harding University and his JD degree from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. He is licensed to practice law in the State of Arkansas and is a member of the American and Arkansas Bar Associations.

WCI is very thankful to the various associations and organizations who partner with us every year to provide unique educational opportunities, philanthropic activities, and to advance important initiatives for our industry. One of the most recently established partnerships is with the Diversity and Talent Alliance (DATA).

DATA is a non-profit designed to recognize a diverse and accomplished group of students who have expressed an interest in the Risk Management/Worker’s Compensation Industry and its mission is to develop a pipeline that creates and sustains a diverse workforce and inspires transformative change through partnership, education, and mentorship.

The support of the Risk Management/Workers’ Compensation Industry allowed DATA to have a successful first year and set the foundation for continued growth. Our inaugural student cohorts successfully completed their program, and DATA led diversity panels at WCI in August 2023. We were also able to gather as a group at WCI, and celebrate our student cohorts and those who helped with the inaugural program.

We are currently planning for our 2024 year, and have exciting developments to share soon. We are looking forward to continuing to create a diverse pipeline of talent into the workers’ compensation and risk management industry.

Spread the word

Your continued support is vital to this mission, and we are looking to expand our reach. If you know of colleagues and/or industry professionals who would be interested in joining DATA, please encourage them to reach out and become a member. Our membership interest form is available here.

Save the date

On January 30, 2024, we invite you to attend our first general meeting of the year. Please save the date for this virtual meeting as we are excited to share ways to become involved. More details will be provided as they become available. We invite you to visit our website, and follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram to keep up to date on all of our events.

We will be following up after the first of the year to officially kick off DATA 2024, so keep an eye out for that! Should you need any assistance or have questions about membership, please feel free to contact Laura Buck at We welcome you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or thoughts on the upcoming year.

Thank you for being part of the DATA community.

At the 2023 WCI Educational Conference, three distinguished organizations were honored with the prestigious Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Award for Excellence, presented by NU Property & Casualty and WCI and sponsored by Sedgwick and Safety National. The awards recognize risk managers and employers whose safety, risk mitigation and return-to-work programs are success stories based on actual workplace results. What follows are more insights from this year’s three award-winning programs.

American Airlines

At the core of American Airline’s successful workers’ comp program is a deep appreciation and respect for its team members. The company’s operations are expansive, specialized and demanding, which requires that its workers’ compensation solutions be customizable to meet the needs of its workforce.

“Our number one priority is safety, and we make every attempt to prevent work-related accidents and injuries,” says Bryan Conner, manager of workers’ compensation at American Airlines. “However, when one of our team members becomes injured, our commitment to their well-being doesn’t waver. We value what they do, appreciate who they are and are committed to walking the workers’ compensation journey with them.”

From employee advocacy and 24/7 resource support to clinical consultations, the company’s robust program and advocacy model has helped significantly reduce medical claims and litigation, while helping keep 65% of injured team members on the job.

An example of the company’s evolving program is its revamped return-to-work program. The company now offers on-site specialists who work with front-line leaders to determine what work is available and then define a limited duty assignment that adheres to any medical restrictions.

In addition to supporting front-line goals, this arrangement keeps injured team members engaged with their colleagues while allowing the collection of full benefits and pay.

“Preference is given to value-based solutions that will advance the injured team member’s recovery or quality of life over low-cost, price-driven fixes,” Conner says. “This includes providing injured team members guidance and access to quality medical care, as well as timely information and resources that will allow them to focus on recovery and return to an active and productive lifestyle.”

The City of Beverly Hills

Since 2020, risk managers for the City of Beverly Hills have been tasked with guiding their employees through the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 even beyond the deadly virus.

One new risk emerging from the pandemic is post-COVID-19 traumatic stress disorder, a syndrome that develops due to the significant strains of the pandemic.

Sharon L’Heureux Dressel, the risk manager for the City of Beverly Hills, California, realized early on that the city’s employees were likely to need access to services to help them cope. She says the city has a history of being mindful of behavioral and mental health issues and proactive about offering resources in these areas to employees.

The City of Beverly Hills employs about 1,200 people, including police and fire departments, which already had access to critical incident stress debriefing services. These services are provided to city employees who witness a catastrophic or traumatic event to help them process the situation and develop coping mechanisms so they can return to work as soon as possible.

“When we first started building mental health and behavioral health services, it was really just in anticipation of the likely need and a desire to support our employees,” Dressel says.

The expansion of mental health and wellness services has proved successful, resulting in reduced stress claims and lower costs for the city. Some of these positive trends are a result of the CISD program, which can help avoid the need for additional medical treatment such as medication, psychiatry and counseling.

Demonstrating the success of the program, verage claim frequency was down 16% in 2021 compared with 2020, and the average cost per claim came down 1% over the same time. In addition, the average cost per stress claim dropped 27% in 2021. Average medical costs for the city’s stress claims in 2020 averaged $8,593 compared to $4,714 in 2021.

Fairfax County, Virginia

When Randy F. Jouben came on board in December 2017 as chief of risk management for Virginia’s Fairfax County, he quickly observed that the county’s employees had a less-than-positive view of the worker’s compensation program.

“In town halls and other forums, employees and managers voiced their disappointment and concern that the county’s program was motivated by cost containment, not by a genuine interest in supporting injured workers,” Jouben says. “There were a lot of antiquated assumptions, and people just weren’t happy.”

To uncover the specifics behind the dissatisfaction with the county’s workers’ comp program, Jouben had claims manager Anthony Smith and Karen Morgan, a claims specialist, survey employees.

The result of the listening-and-learning tour was an updated workers’ comp program that would introduce enhanced recoveries, shorter return-to-work timelines and lower insurance costs. The update program featured a holistic four-part program comprising on-site wellness and prevention, custom medical panels, mental and behavioral health services and medication management.

“We started the on-site physical therapy service at the firefighter training academy for first responders who needed PT (physical therapy) or rehabilitative services,” Jouben explains. “To enhance their ability to work with first responders, the physical therapists got training to help them understand the challenges our firefighters face that go beyond standard PT needs.”

To gain buy-in for the on-site program, the risk management team worked with Gary Gize, Fairfax County’s return-to-work section program manager.

“As an experienced firefighter, he had a lot of credibility. He came from within the ranks and really supported what we wanted to do,” Jouben says. “He identified individuals who would benefit from the on-site program.”

Since the on-site PT program was implemented, Fairfax County’s indemnity claims have dropped significantly; there were 199 in 2020 but only 159 in 2022.

“These workers also found that the on-site center provided a convenient place to keep fit and to get help for aches and pains that might develop into more serious problems if left untreated,” Jouben points out.

Quote from Elana Ashanti Jefferson, editor-in-chief,

Running a successful workers’ comp risk management program takes creativity, resourcefulness and a great deal of compassion, traits each of this year’s winners have in abundance. My team and I are excited every year to learn more about the innovative workers’ comp programs from around the country and recognize the best among them with these awards.

“In our tenth year of service, Gallagher Bassett (GB) supported Give Kids the World (GKTW) at the annual GKTW Service event and Gala benefiting as part of the Workers’ Compensation Institute (WCI) conference.

A few of our GB volunteers took GKTW’s family-oriented approach to heart.

Shani Wright, Branch Manager, has volunteered for six years, and this year, she brought her children to volunteer, too.

 “In life, things happen when you least expect it. I want my children to foster a spirit of being a servant leader to their community,” she says. “The example starts with me. My commitment to GKTW year after year will hopefully spark something in the two of them to pay it forward. I hope the volunteer experience will continue to teach them to have compassion for others.”

Volunteering for a third year, Kristy Ritch, Senior Client Services Manager, also brought her daughter to support the families of GKTW. She says, “I involved my daughter because I wanted her to understand the importance of giving to others, the overwhelming amount of joy felt when giving instead of taking, and that material possessions don’t provide fulfillment in life. Being fulfilled comes from what you give not what you get.”

In facing such a difficult situation for one child, the entire family feels the strain. The Village and its community partners provide children and their families’ accommodations in fully-furnished villas, transportation, tickets to theme parks, meals, daily entertainment and much more. Volunteers contribute to prepping and cleaning the Village, preparing activities, and assisting families during their stay.

Ritch shares, “As a Registered Nurse and mom, there is no greater joy than helping others, and I have a big heart for children in need. The families are so thankful. They feel so loved and supported by us. The irony is, as volunteers, we feel the same from them and we leave with huge smiles on our faces each time we volunteer.”

“When you are going through a season in life and you see that others took time out of their schedule to extend help or a smile to you, it means a lot to those families,” Wright says. “GKTW is a great organization, helping families all across the country. It means the world to me to know that GB leads the way in making sure GKTW families are supported, year after year, and at the end of the day, I want all the families we serve to know that we at GB care.”

At GB, we are committed to giving back to the communities in which we live and work. And for a family-oriented partner like GKTW, we are honored to continuously support the families they serve and to do so with those who matter most to us: family.”


Join us at the WCI 2024 Conference, the nation’s premier gathering of workers’ compensation professionals. Experience unmatched programming, an expansive exhibit hall, diverse networking opportunities, and top-tier entertainment – crafted to deliver a comprehensive and enriching conference experience. Don’t miss our on our Early Bird Rate!


To visit the Exhibit Hall ONLY and receive a complimentary Exhibit Hall pass, click here.

Conference Registration Includes:

  • Access to all educational sessions (Monday-Wednesday).
  • Tickets to Monday evening’s reception and entertainment.
  • Continuing Education credits.
  • Access to the Industry & “Celebrity” Keynote addresses.
  • An passcode link sent to reserve your room at the host hotel.
  • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall.

Exhibit Hall Booths & Sponsorship Opportunities

“The Workers’ Compensation Institute is happy to announce that Exhibit Hall Booths and Sponsorship Opportunities are now officially open for the WCI 2024 Conference! The WCI team is overjoyed with the positive feedback we received from our last conference, and we are very excited about making the 2024 conference even better. Our exhibitors and sponsors are vital to the success of the conference, and we are grateful for the continuous support we receive from each of you. Being a sponsor or exhibitor is a great way to reach new and existing customers, and increase your brand recognition. I look forward to working with each of our sponsors and exhibitors this year, to make it a special event for you.” – Lyndsey Palmer, WCI Exhibitor/Sponsor Coordinator

Sponsorships & Exhibit Hall

Get in the Game was the official exhibit hall theme at the WCI 2023 Conference and we enjoyed seeing everyone bring their game ideas to life. Congratulation to all of the 2023 Theme Contest Winners!

WCI 2023 Exhibit Hall Theme Contest Winners

1st Place: Transcom Solutions

“Every year, we look forward to the exhibit hall booth contest.  We take a lot of pride in choosing how we want to decorate and what costumes to wear, hoping to win the award!  The exhibit hall is a wonderful opportunity for our clients and potential clients to see us in a different light and have some fun with us!”

2nd Place: ProCare Transportation and Language Services

3rd Place: MTI America

4th Place: SMS National

5th Place: Seaside Claims Service

Honorable Mention: Kelley Kronenberg

Honorable Mention: Memorial Healthcare System

77th Annual Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference & 34th Safety & Health Conference
August 20-23, 2023 | Orlando World Center Marriott

2023 Roster of Attendees

2023 Attendee Roster PDF

AttendeeRoster 2023


2023 Roster of Exhibitors & Sponsors

2023 Exhibitor & Sponsor Roster PDF

ExhibitorRoster 2023